In May 2021, the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria set-up a new agency on Small Arms and Light Weapons called, The National Centre for Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (NCCSALW) to replace Presidential Committee on Small Arms and Light Weapons (PRESCOM). In view of the new agency, LITE-Africa engaged with PRESCOM and NCCSALW for smooth transition and collaboration with NCCSALW. Meetings were held with NCCSALW for familiarisation with project activities, to plan programme implementation and to revise the work plan. In all, 16 out of 17 activities planned were implemented over the period. (see updated logframe matrix in section 2.3). The significant positive results of the activities at initiating voluntary arms surrendering and destruction in the South-South state further validates the relevance of the SALW intervention logic in Nigeria. In the North-West states during re-engagement and interactions, the state Governors committed to facilitating the collection and destruction of arms and weapons from bandits and armed gangs in their states. Armed groups, militants, and bandits in the states equally committed to participating in data capture which will enable their communities to benefit from micro-projects in return for arms and weapons surrendered, even though there is no provision for livelihood support from the SALW Action.
A refresher training for officers on arms collection and destruction was held in Calabar, Cross-River State which culminated in the physical destruction of 5,727 units of arms and weapons in the State. The livelihood beneficiaries (Ex-Militants and armed groups) were deployed to various vocational and agricultural skills acquisition centers in Sapele, Enugu and Abuja leading to increased knowledge and capacity for improved living condition and peace. A total of 300 livelihood skills beneficiaries undertook training in various skills sectors. From the 300 trained, a total of 120 livelihood skills beneficiaries received business start-up packs in Akwa-Ibom and Cross-River States. Sensitisation activities were successfully carried out through the printing of IEC materials, production and broadcast of radio jingles on the dangers of small arms and light weapons and the need for citizens to embrace peace in Nigeria.
Community members and armed groups engaged in Akwa-Ibom and Cross-River States surrendered arms and ammunition in return for micro projects. Three communities in Akwa-Ibom State were provided with community micro projects which includes rehabilitation of abattoir and rehabilitation of two 300KVA transformers with bare extension of electricity supply to the communities in Etim Ekpo local government and installation of 300KVA transformer with bare extension of electricity supply to the communities in Ukanafun local government. In Cross-River State, two communities were provided with community micro projects which includes, rehabilitation of town hall and motorised borehole water in Bakassi local government and solar powered borehole in Obudu local government.
Sensitization and Advocacy
Production of jingles in Pidgin, Efik and Ibibio and broadcast of 160 radio jingles in Akwa-Ibom and Cross-River States.
Capacity Building Training for Security Forces and relevant actors on SALW in focal States. Capacity building training on border management
The second stream of the Border Management Trainings took place between February and March 2021 with the participation of 154 security agents and civil society organisation in the 7 Action states of Akwa-Ibom, Cross-River, Kaduna, Katsina, Kebbi, Zamfara and Sokoto States
Validation of mapping and Inventory exercise for locally manufactured Weapons and Fire Arms – validation workshop
- Validation workshop held in Uyo, Akwa-Ibom state.
- 19 participants attended the workshop
Weapons Collection, Registration and Destruction Exercise
Conduct of two physical destructions of illicit SALW recovered from the selected communities in collaboration with the Nigerian military (Engagement of consultants).
- One physical destruction of illicit SALW conducted. Arms and ammunitions destruction exercise in Calabar, Cross-River State completed.
- Refresher training on Arms collection and destruction held in Calabar, Cross-River State
- Weapon storage facilities commissioned and handed-over to agencies of government.
Selected communities provided with community micro projects based on the number of arms collected per community for 21 communities (3 per state).
As part of activity 4.1 above, community members and armed groups engaged in Akwa-Ibom and Cross-River states surrendered arms and ammunition in return for micro projects. Details of community micro projects provided in two action states of Akwa-Ibom and Cross-River completed, commissioned and handed-over to benefiting communities are shown in the table below.
Akwa-Ibom State
S/No | Micro Project | Community | Local Govt Area |
1 | Rehabilitation of two transformers and Restoration of Electricity Supply to Ikpe Annang Community | Ikpe Annang | Etim Ekpo |
2 | Construction of Mini Abattoir, Borehole and Renovation of Market Office at Mboho Annang Market, Otoro Obong | Mboho Annang | Etim Ekpo |
3 | Installation of 300KVA transformer to 33KV line for bare expansion of electricity supply to Ikot Inyang Abia Community | Ikot Inyang Abia | Ukanafun |
Pictures from the electrification Projects in Ikpe Annang and Ikot Inyang Abia Communities in Etim Ekpo LGA and Ukananfu LGA respectively in Akwa-Ibom State
Cross-River State
S/No | Micro Project | Community | Local Govt Area |
1 | Drilling of one mini motorised borehole and renovation of a Town Hall in Akpab Okon Ene Ita and Ikot Nkese community | Akpab Okon Ene Ita dnd Ikot Nkese | Bakassi |
2 | Drilling & Completion of one solar powered borehole in Kakum/Ipong Clan | Katum/Ipong | Obudu |

Tasks undertaken included:
- Arms and ammunition surrendered and collected in Akwa-Ibom and Cross-River States.
- Four community micro projects completed, commissioned and handed-over in Akwa-Ibom State.
- Three community micro projects completed, commissioned and handed-over in Cross-River State.
Provision of Start-Up equipment support and mentoring/business incubation support services for 300 beneficiaries – Procurement of equipment for 120 beneficiaries.
To ensure compliance to LITE-Africa and EU procurement policies an Expression of Interest was published in a national newspaper (Vanguard) newspaper on 2nd February 2021 requesting for vendors for procurement of start-up equipment for trainee graduates in Akwa-Ibom and Cross-River States. 5 vendors responded to the EOI which was analysed and the successful bidder awarded the contract for the procurement and delivery of business start-up equipment.
Due to lack of fund procurement of start-up equipment was made for 120 livelihood programme beneficiaries. Of the 120 start-up equipment procured, 117 were duly received by the beneficiaries, one of the beneficiaries from Akwa-Ibom State was reported dead at the point of delivery/collection, while 2 from Cross-River State did not appear to receive their equipment.
- Business start-Up equipment provided to 120 Livelihood skills beneficiaries in Akwa-Ibom and Cross-River states.
Activity 6.2. Strengthening institutional capacity of WAANSA Nigeria.
Tasks undertaken included:
- Proposed activities received from WAANSA evaluated.
- Reconciliatory meeting between 2 factional groups concluded.