Human Rights
Human rights are the universal rights of all human beings and respect for human rights lays the foundation for sustainable development, security and peaceful co-existence. Our programme delivery is based on multi-stakeholder approach which comprises of partnering with government, collaborating with corporations to strengthen the implementation of the VPs through partnership and engagement, strengthening civil society to engage, empowering communities to demand for accountability; and creating effective mechanisms for dialogue, joint problem solving and networking. We provide secretariat support to Nigerian CSOs through the CSO Coalition on Business and Human Rights working in the natural resource sector and security to facilitate cooperation between stakeholders through meetings, workshops and shared strategies in implementing activities that encourage citizen participation in the extractive industry.
LITE-Africa as a leading NGO is working to develop a shared understanding of what effective Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) means in practice and in specific contexts for businesses and governments in Nigeria. LITE-Africa is the first African entity and national NGO to transit from an engaged NGO to a full member of the VPI. We are also registered at the United Nation Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights. We are also a founding member of the African Coalition for Corporate Accountability. Our work within the corporate pillar focuses on creating awareness and guiding policy reforms towards integrating human rights principles into the operations of extractive industries in Nigeria.
The following includes what we do under this thematic area:
- Human rights and civic education campaigns
- Promotion of the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights
- Conflict management and peace-building
- Human rights Clinic/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
- Capacity Building programs on human rights and the VPs for public and private security personnel, local communities and CSOs
- Annual business and human rights forums
- Strengthening of Human rights desks in military and police formations