This is a project funded by DCAF and it lasted from December 26th, 2019 – 14th February 2020. The activities that took place were: Redaction of the Report; LITE-Africa with technical support from the consultants reviewed and aligned the report with international good practices and DCAF requirements. The activity also incorporated stakeholder’s feedback from the validation workshop, Report validation workshop in Abuja: To presents findings of the baseline study and get feedback from the community stakeholders on the accuracy of the information gathered, LITE-Africa in collaboration with the Nigerian Working Group (NWG) facilitated a one –day validation workshop on February 11, 2020 at the Newton park hotel Abuja, Production of 200 copies of the baseline report. Starting March 19, 2020, in line with LITE-Africa procurement procedures; vendors were requested to submit quotes for the printing of 200 copies of baseline report. Three vendors submitted quotes and one successful vendor was shortlisted and consequently awarded the printing job based on a number of predetermined criteria including; good design, past job experience and timely delivery. The printed copies were received according to quote and final payment was made to the vendor on August 3, 2020. The delay in delivery and final payment was occasioned by the COVID-19 lockdown. LITE-Africa secured from DCAF a no-cost extension to allow implementation of project activities till December 2020, Engagement of relevant stakeholders on the VPs including government, Corporations, CSOs and media. To promote the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPs) in Nigeria, the Nigerian Working Group on the VPs (NWG) strategically mapped out critical Nigerian government stakeholders and ministries relevant to the VPs and extractive sector for advocacy engagement. From December 10, 2019 – March 16, 2020, 7 Federal Ministries and heads of regulatory agencies, and media were engaged.