The project voluntary principles on security and human rights in Nigeria was funded by DCAF and led by LITE-Africa, LITE-Africa worked in partnership with the Nigerian Working Group ( NWG). Membership of the NWG, geographical spread and locality, gender, knowledge and expertise of the local environment in the target states will form the major criteria for the selection of CSOs from the NWG. LITE-Africa provided oversight function and leadership in the project; including carrying out specific activities such as baseline and scoping study activities in Delta state. LITE-Africa also coordinated partners’ organizations field activities in the other states. Specifically, LITE-Africa with technical supports from the expert consultant; led the methodology design, data analysis, report validation and redaction of the report. Also, LITE-Africa led the production of the report and engagement of stakeholders working in collaboration with members of the NWG. It is instructive to mention that the proposed VPiN activities were collectively developed by members of the NWG as part of the In-country implementation efforts. The VPiN project was expected to develop a national baseline and policy framework that will strengthen the implementation of VPs in Nigeria. VPiN carried out a national baseline and scoping study on the VPs which measured VPs knowledge and qualitative elements such as changes in behavior and attitude of stakeholders as related to the VPs. It also provided a baseline report that helped to gauge future VPs implementation in Nigeria. The baseline report also increased awareness of the security and human rights situation in Nigeria. The baseline report provided a platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue intended to enhance the collaboration between relevant entities from the government, companies, CSOs and local stakeholders and proffer cross pillar solutions to the nation’s security and human rights challenges and inform a national policy framework for the implementation of the VPs. The activities that were carried out were: a clear work plan and methodology for the baseline and scoping study, the national baseline and scoping study for the VPs impact assessment and advocacy purposes, National policy framework for the implementation of the voluntary principles on security and human rights in Nigeria was developed.
In a bid to promote the respect of Human Rights in their operating environment and Nigeria in general, Chevron Nigeria Limited in collaboration with LITE-Africa conducted training on Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR) for staff and security personnel safeguarding their facilities.
Chevron as a corporate signatory to the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR) having carried out its own risk assessment, understands the need to build the capacity of the company security personnel on the VPSHR to ensure compliance with the company commitment to promote and respect the rights and fundamental freedom of persons in four critical areas of its operations including; employees, community members, suppliers and security. LITE-Africa have continued to support CNL’s capacity building program on human rights through trainings on the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights which has also guided policy reforms towards integrating human rights into corporate operations.
The Voluntary Principles Association through its core funding project to the Nigerian Working Group (NWG) on the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR) funded by the voluntary principles association Canada, and have continued to provide support for the activities of the NWG. The core funding has contributed to the strengthening of the Nigerian Working Group on the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights Secretariat Coordination. In 2019 NWG was able to promote the implementation of Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights in Nigeria through a mix of activities including periodic review meetings, research, advocacy engagement, multi-stakeholder dialogues, community outreach, public awareness, and capacity building initiatives. The Group objectives is to share best practices, foster communication, and raise awareness related to local security and human rights context. The NWG also enhance collaboration between government representatives, NGOs, companies, and other local civil societies. It helps to identify and respond to local in-country challenges related to the implementation of the Voluntary Principles through mutual solutions. The NWG is also collaborating with the Nigerian inter-ministerial committee on the VPs to facilitate Nigeria membership of the Voluntary Principles Association.
The report Promoting Implementation of Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights in Nigeria (VPiN) is a project funded by DCAF from September 1, 2019 and the activities that took place were : Development of a planning document for the VPiN project in conjunction with expert consultant to ensure the clarity of task, and manage stakeholders’ expectation, a planning document and detailed work-plan containing tasks, resources, budget delivery, responsibilities and timeline was developed by LITE-Africa working with the Nigerian Working Group. The planning document was developed with the technical support of the expert consultant, Development of the methodology tools for the baseline and scoping study. LITE-Africa with technical support from the expert consultant developed a methodology tools for the baseline and scoping study to align the tools with international frameworks and existing guidelines on impact measurement. The step-by-step approach decides on what to measure, formulated indicators, mapped stakeholders, defined stakeholders engagement strategy, and developed data gathering strategy, : Kick–off meeting with the Nigerian Working Group on VPs implementation and assessment of the draft methodology in Abuja.