In 2021 Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL) and LITE-Africa have continued to collaborate to deliver VPSHR training for CNL security personnel despite the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and the attendant observation of non-pharmaceutical protocol. CNL has continued to devote resources to promote the respect of Human Rights in their operating environment and Nigeria in general. CNL as a corporate signatory to the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR) understands the need to build the capacity of the company security personnel on the VPSHR to ensure compliance with the company commitment to promote and respect the rights and fundamental freedom of persons in four critical areas of its operations including; employees, community members, suppliers and security. This trainings on the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights has also guided CNL policy reforms towards integrating human rights into their corporate operations.
A total of 209 security personnel representing various security agencies like Army, Navy, Nigerian Police Force, SPY, security duty officers and Private Security Guards participated in the training which covered CNL facilities in Lagos, Warri, Gbagada, Abuja, Escravos, Utonana, Makaraba, Olero and Abiteye. The COVID-19 pandemic adversely affected the delivery of the training in the year under review however the team was able to deliver some training via virtual means.
Modules covered in the trainings include; Understanding Human Rights and the Historical Perspective on the Development of Law and Human Rights, Human Rights, and Business in the Oil and Gas Industry and Nigerian Laws and the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights, Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, Human Rights, Duties and Responsibilities, Nigeria 1999 Constitution and Human Rights, A review of Nigeria’s Anti-Torture Act 2017, Chevron Human Rights Policy (Policy 520) etc.
The core funding from the Voluntary Principles Initiative have greatly helped the Nigeria Working Group (NWG) to implement its country programme and activities on the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR). It has continued to provide support for the activities of the NWG. The core funding has contributed to the strengthening of the Nigerian Working Group on the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights Secretariat Coordination. In 2021, NWG was able to host four quarterly review meetings, carryout advocacy engagements to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defense, community outreach, public awareness, and capacity building initiatives. The NWG also ramped up planning and logistics for the NWG National Conference on the VPs.
NGO members of the NWG published research reports which include; a) Baseline study on private security governance in Nigeria: The findings from this study is helping to reform the private security company regulation and legal framework. b) Nigeria Private Security governance challenges and the relevance of international best practices. A PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR CSOs AND THE MEDIA: This guidance tool is to provide updated information on the various challenges linked with PSCs activities in Nigeria, with detailed overview for each of the six geographical regions of the country. The tool also provides guidance to CSOs and the media on international best practices. The Group objectives is to share best practices, foster communication, and raise awareness related to local security and human rights context. The NWG also enhance collaboration between government representatives, NGOs, companies, and other local civil societies. It helps to identify and respond to local in-country challenges related to the implementation of the Voluntary Principles through mutual solutions. The NWG is also collaborating with the Nigerian inter-ministerial committee on the VPs to facilitate Nigeria membership of the Voluntary Principles Association.
Nigeria Working Group (NWG) National Conference on the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights
The Nigeria Working Group (NWG) on the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights is at the final stage of hosting its National Conference on the VPs in collaboration with the Leadership Initiative for Transformation and Empowerment (LITE-Africa), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), and the Ministry of Justice (MOJ).
The National Conference will assemble 70 critical stakeholders from across all pillars including women, men, young people, communities, the government entities including (Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, the National Human Rights Commission, Ministry of Petroleum Resources, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs, etc), companies in relevant sectors (extractives, natural resources, harvesting and energy), CSOs, security agencies and members of the diplomatic community. The conference is expected to further deepen the VPs awareness and engagements between cross-pillars especially the Nigerian government, with a view to fostering effective VPs implementation in Nigeria.
The National Conference will also review progress in implementing the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights in Nigeria, and in particular, progress toward effective operationalization and implementation as well as creating capabilities and adopting effective modalities for a national framework for VPs implementation and policy planning
The convening of the national conference predicated on the understanding that multiple stakeholders, including business, government, security, CSOs and non-state actors are involved and impacted either directly or indirectly by security-related human rights violations. Therefore, to effectively address these challenges will require joint problem-solving and developing of mutually accepted solutions by relevant stakeholders deploying a collaborative approach. The NWG National Conference is scheduled to on Tuesday 18th January, 2022.